Jojoba oil is extracted from a shrub, which grows in a Central America, so called Simmondsia chinensis. This oil is cold pressed and unrefined and has thick consistency and golden colour. It consists of many valuable ingredients, e.g. antioxidants reducing free radicals, substances responsible for durability of intercellular links, fatty acids and vitamins A, E and F.
Jojoba oil consists of structure similar to protective layer of skin, made of lipids. That is why it is often used in a cosmetology. It is used as a carrier for perfumes, ingredient of moisturising and washing products. It can be found in lotions, anti-wrinkle creams and cosmetics preventing stretch marks, but also shampoos, face and hair masks and conditioners. Jojoba oil can be used as an individual preparation for hair and scalp.
Usually, jojoba oil is recommended for medium porosity hair prone to become low porosity hair. Cosmetic contains moisturising and smoothing properties. Makes hair cuticles to stick tighter to the shaft, and prevents streaks from electrifying and frizzing. Jojoba oil protects ends against split ends and mechanical and chemical damages. During regular application, hair become glossy and smooth, soft in touch and very liable for stylisation.
Oil treatment with jojoba oil provides great effects. Hair are regenerated and nourished, combing is easier, streaks are more resistant to damages. And how to perform right oil treatment with use of jojoba oil to have beautiful hair and healthy scalp? There is number of methods. One of the best seems to be method in which we apply jojoba oil on damp hair. Then we put on a plastic cap and a towel, so the heat created this way accelerated absorption of nourishing ingredients and we could see effects of the treatment. After approximately an hour wash head with shampoo without SLS and leave hair to dry. Oil treatment will make hair easier in combing and streaks won’t tangle.
Jojoba oil has also cosmetic-medical use. It can be applied in aim to heal skin diseases, and not only the scalp. Product will brilliantly deal with dandruff, psoriasis or eczema, but also inflammations and excess work of sebaceous gland, because it has antiseptic, bactericidal and soothing properties. It can be used as an aim to sooth all kinds of skin irritations.