Because of its properties and immediate action, jojoba oil is often used in conditioning of scalp and hair, but also skin of the body and face. It is extracted from seeds of shrub, which grows on the territory of North Mexico and South-West part of United States. It has dark yellow colour, wax consistency and is scentless. It consists of very good preserving properties, expiration date of this product is almost unlimited and heated to 300°C does not changes properties; though below 7°C it solidifies.
Jojoba oil is used in cosmetology and drug industry. It is common addition to creams, lotions, and even lipsticks and perfumes. Why is it such a popular and great product? Jojoba oil contains ingredients close to those in lipid barrier of human body. It ensures proper moisture and protection against dryness. It regulates work of sebaceous glands, prevents multiplication of bacteria and acne. That is why it can be used for skin care of both dry and oily skin. Jojoba oil preserves skin pH, regenerates damages and keeps skin in good condition at all times. Product consists of natural UV filter SPF 4. It protects skin against harmful UVA and UVB radiation, helps gain nice tan and soothes sunburns.
Jojoba oil is equally effective on hair and skin. It prevents dandruff and regulates sebaceous glands. Strengthens follicles, nourishes hair and has beneficial influence on scalp. It prevents split ends, dry hair and damages caused by hairdresser’s treatments or substances contained in washing and dyeing products. Jojoba oil soothes, makes combing easier and provides gloss. It can be used as an ingredient of hair mask or conditioner, but also an individual cosmetic.
How to prepare cleansing hair and scalp mask? Prepare following ingredients: kaolin, coconut oil, jojoba oil, essential oils (e.g. lavender), hydrolate (e.g. orange blossom, lavender or rose) and delicate shampoo (without SLS). Amount of each ingredient match with the hair length, level of damage and type of scalp. Put kaolin in the bowl and pour a bit of shampoo, then add in turn: coconut oil, jojoba oil and essential oils. Match amount of hydrolate with the amount of mix of kaolin and oils. Consistency has to be plastic enough, so that you can apply it on hair and scalp without any problem. Apply this hair mask on damp hair. After about 15 minutes wash hair with shampoo, which you used for the mask. Leave hair to dry.