Jojoba oil – extremely valuable oil from seeds of American shrub with the same name. Exceptionally popular all over the world, because of its high durability, wealth of vitamins and minerals, but also universality in use. Used in production of many conditioning cosmetics, and purchased in its pure form equally willingly. Jojoba oil is the most popular among consumers of Mokosh, who sells 100% Jojoba Oil.
What will we find in a product composition?
100% Jojoba Oil from Mokosh is (as the name indicates) oil from jojoba seeds in a pure form. It is cosmetic product manufactured on base of certified primary products and was cleared for sale only after dermatological and microbiological tests. It is a guarantee that we will find there exclusively safe substances. Jojoba oil is rich in phytosterols, vitamin complex (i.a. vitamins A, E and F) and squalene natural for lipid coat of our skin.
What is jojoba oil from Mokosh like?
Natural jojoba oil is in fact liquid wax, not oil. It is confirmed by a fact that in the temperature of few degrees below zero, jojoba oil solidifies. 100% Jojoba Oil is golden, scentless, liquid wax dedicated for use on entire body, face, hair and finger nails. The quality of jojoba oil is its universality – it can be used on many ways and is perfect for all skin types (even skin prone to acne or very sensitive skin).
How does 100% Jojoba Oil from Mokosh work?
Jojoba Oil from Mokosh has very similar structure to natural human sebum, thanks to content of liquid wax ester. Because of it, jojoba oil absorbs great, strengthens external lipid layer and provides proper hydration. Jojoba oil has also regenerative and conditioning properties, what has influence on skin tone up, cellulite reduction, soothing of irritations, elimination of skin problems, skin glow, hair smoother and stronger finger nails.
How can you use jojoba oil?
Mokosh ensures that 100% Jojoba Oil is an universal product. 100% Jojoba oil can be used directly for face and body massage, oil treatment before hair wash, as a sugar or salt scrub base and as a nourishing bath oil.